Stella Marie

Happy Birthday Stella Marie! I nearly gave myself an ulcer today waiting for the news, but at 2:15, my niece was born!
Now I’m drumming my fingers and checking my email every 3 seconds to see if my brother has sent a picture yet. She’s 6 pounds, 12 ounces, 19 and a half inches, and has a head full of black hair. I can’t wait to see her!
It was hard not being there today, but we’re going to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with them next week, so I don’t have to wait too long. When I picked Camille up from baby school, I told her about Stella’s birth. She seemed more interested in the drawings of fish posted on the hallway walls, but one day I think she’ll understand how exciting this is. I enjoyed spending time with my cousins, and as Camille and Stella get older, I hope they will enjoy each other too (and not get into too much trouble together).
I’m excited for me as well. My brother and I have shared a lot, and I’m looking forward to sharing this parenting thing with him too.
I can’t believe I’m an aunt!