Home Again

Lee and I just got back in town from visiting family for the holidays. We had a really good time, despite a rocky start. We were planning to leave as soon as Lee got off work Christmas Eve, headed for Fitzgerald. Several things delayed our start, including some crazy Millie antics I don’t care to repeat – but worst of all, someone put a glass bottle behind the back wheel of Lee’s car while he was parked in the city parking deck. Shortly after he got home, his back tire was completely flat. Who would do that? That is so wrong. It was pouring rain, and we spent probably an hour lying in the mud under the truck trying to get the spare on.
But finally, we were headed out of town. Seeing family was great, though Christmas was a little harder this year because so many things were different. Holidays are full of tradition, and when those traditions can’t happen, it can be tough. But, I still got to see everyone, and that’s what’s important.
Several highlights (other than visiting with family, because that’s an automatic top of the list) included getting and giving lots of good presents, a Christmas night bonfire, beating Lee at least once on his Attack of the Clone Wars game, finishing a book, and playing with Lee’s R2D2 robot. It was so funny – something is wrong with the robot’s head. It’s like it’s on backwards or something. You would tell it to go forward, and it would try, but it would keep running into things. It was like R2D2 was drunk. I had a good laugh.
It was nice to pull into our driveway today. Now we’re taking down the tree, putting up all our loot, and trying to get everything back in order. It’s good to be home, but with lots of nice memories of a Happy Holiday.