The Luck O’ the Irish

There must be a four-leafer growing among the clover in our yard. It’s been a great St. Patrick’s Day weekend, and I’m feeling like a lucky girl.
This is the first year I’ve been in Savannah for St. Patrick’s Day and not on the job. I really wanted to go downtown to enjoy the parade, but wasn’t sure about fighting the crowds with Camille, or waiting in super long lines for the pleasure of a porta-potty.
So when a coworker invited us to his house for St. Pat’s, I was ecstatic. He lives on the parade route. Friday night, we loaded up our car with chairs, a cooler, and plenty of food, and dropped it off at his home. Saturday morning, Andy, Erin, Lee, Cami and I rode a city bus to a stop just a few blocks from the house, and we were right there in the middle of all the fun with none of the hassle. Flushing toilets, a place to lay Camille down for a nap, and a front row seat for the parade. Sweet.
It was so nice to be able to sit back and just enjoy the show. I really wasn’t sure what to expect from Camille. I didn’t know if she’d be scared of the crowds and the noise, or if she’d get bored with just sitting there and grow tired of being held. But she was great. She fell asleep at one point, and didn’t appreciate the fire truck blasting its horn and siren, but other than that she seemed content to watch all the people and colors parade by.
I think my favorite part of the parade was the bagpipers. Their music is so interwoven with imagery of St. Pats in my experience. During the St. Patrick’s Day season, it seems like the whole city is in a good mood, and the sound of bagpipers gives my spirit a lift.
When the parade was over, Lee and Andy braved Riverstreet. Erin, Cami and I found a coffee shop and were lucky enough to grab two big, comfy chairs by a window. While we sipped our latte’s, Miss Camille took a nap. It was a big day for such a little girl. And lots of fun.