Good Neighbors

I’ve always heard it’s important to have good neighbors. I believe it.
We have a neighbor across the street named Mr. Clanton. He’s a retired police officer, but he sometimes still “patrols” our street. He knows everyone on the street, he even walks up and down the sidewalks picking up litter (sometimes he throws the litter and newspapers from our yard onto our porch if we don’t get them out of the yard quickly enough). He’s often on his porch swing, watching everything. If he’s inside and there’s a commotion on the street, you can always spot him peeking out of his door to see what’s going on.
Tonight, at almost 10:30, he knocked on our door. I’ve been parking along a side street and not in our driveway lately, and he told us he’d just seen a man looking in my car. When Mr. Clanton yelled at him, the guy ran. Then Mr. Clanton came over to our house, practically in his p.j.s, just to let us know.
Lee moved my car, and I said a prayer of thanks for good neighbors. Even if he does throw newspapers at our house.