Ocean Wars

My mom came to visit Friday. Saturday, our plan was to spend a few hours soaking up sun at the beach. The weather, however, was not cooperating.
It had rained for six days straight. Saturday morning was no different, and when I woke I immediately heard the rain pounding my window. We decided to go to Tybee anyway and eat at the Breakfast Club, then go walk on the beach with our umbrellas. At least that way mom would get to see the ocean. We almost took our swimsuits – just in case. I even had mine in my hand as we were headed out the door, but it was so overcast I dropped it on the coffee table and left without it.

Breakfast was good, and as we sipped coffee, we watched the gray clouds continue to gather out the restaurant window. We were still determined to walk the beach. We paid, left, and headed to the boardwalk that gives you beach access. The parking lot at the boardwalk’s base was so flooded, we had to wade up to our shins in water to get to the wooden edge of the walkway.
But when we crossed the dunes to the beach, somehow the clouds seemed less gray. There was a little mist, but no downpour. We took off our sandals and walked to the water’s edge. The waves were pretty big for the Atlantic. The water felt really good – probably warmer than the outside air. We really wanted to swim – so we hatched a plan.
Christy’s Department Store was a block away. We bought two towels, a float to share, and mom bought a red t-shirt (the one she had on was white.) With our purchases, we marched back out toward the beach, stopping at a restroom so mom could change shirts.
We decided, swimsuit or not, we were getting in the water. It felt really weird at first. My shorts, my polo shirt, were soaked with the first few waves. My shirt was suddenly heavy and stuck to me like it was suctioned in place. The waves were pounding us mercilessly.
It reminded me of a boxing match. The high waves slapped my face, the lower ones punched me in my gut. But it was fun. We took turns using the float as a body board and riding a wave to shore – more often than not getting flipped around and losing grip on the float and chasing it across the beach. I’m sure we looked impressive chasing the float in our full clothing. We laughed – at the waves, at the weather, at ourselves soaking wet, at each other and our crazy idea.
Finally beaten to exhaustion by the ocean, we headed home. It was an uncomfortable trip in one way. We were soaked, cold, and dripping all over mom’s car. But it was exhilerating in another. We had shared an adventure, and left with memories to bring us smiles forever.