Boxes boxes boxes boxes boxes boxes

Right now, it’s looking like we’ll close on the sale of our current house Wednesday. That’s great, but that’s also in 3 days. It’s beginning to sink in just how much work we have to do between now and then. After being in the car for 5 hours, we got home this afternoon and began packing.
But first, we needed more boxes. We’ve found a little treasure trove behind the nearby Family Dollar. They have two dumpsters full of nothing but cardboard boxes. And because there is a big sign on them that says “cardboard only,” we don’t worry about the boxes smelling like the ones from the neighboring chinese food restaurant.
Except, this time, I think someone might have thrown their old lunch in there. On the short car ride from the Family Dollar to our house, we could distinctly smell garbage. Now we’ve got to figure out which is the offending box. Meanwhile, Lee is packing up our pantry and ran across a few vegetables I’d forgotten about. I’m not really sure how long they’d been in there. It was not a pleasant experience for him. I wasn’t here. I was at Kroger getting more boxes.
We’re taking a quick break, then we have to get back to it. I’m afraid we may be pulling an all-nighter before it’s through – but at least we have the excitement of a new house to keep us going.