Yesterday, the tilers put down cement backing board. Today, they laid out most of the tile for our new kitchen/laundry/bathroom. Tomorrow, grout. Then I plan to lie down on the cool tiles and roll around and around.
I’m so excited to see more of the kitchen coming together. There is still so much to do and living like this is quite a hassle. They ripped out our old sink and toilet in the downstairs half-bath, which means there is now no running water on the bottom floor of our house. Millie’s thirsty? Go upstairs to refill her bowl. Need to wash a utensil? Go upstairs. Need to water a plant? Go upstairs.
But my spirits are up because we have a tile floor. Hooray! I’m hoping the walls will be finished next, then the cabinets will go up. We’re going to ask our project manager if we can go ahead and order appliances once the tile is finished. A refrigerator – with ice and cold drinks! I can hardly imagine. I have to stop thinking about it or I’ll go crazy.