I’ve always known how lucky I am to have my father, and for us to have the kind of relationship we do. But the point was brought home to me again while I was looking for a Father’s Day card. So many said things like, “I know I don’t say it enough, but I want you to know I love you.” I tell my dad I love him all the time. Or, “We may not always see eye to eye, but I respect you.” We don’t often disagree, and he already knows he has my respect. Where were the cards that just said, “Thanks for being a great Dad. Happy Father’s Day!”? I think the cards made a sad statement, implying people only choose one day out of the year to say something loving to their fathers.
In the end, I found a card that expressed love without expressing remorse for not having shown it enough. The nice thing is, even if I hadn’t been able to find a card, my dad would’ve known how much I love him. And I know how much he loves me.