Gearing Up

Lee really wanted a new video game tonight. I got rain gear instead.
Rain gear isn’t nearly as fun, but I suppose it’s more necessary (depending on who you ask). I wanted to get a rain jacket and pants partly because of the hurricane lurking, but also because I need good clothing here just for our typical rain storms. It usually floods a couple of times every year and I’ve learned that denim isn’t the best thing for working out in flood waters. When the jeans gets wet, they stay wet.
Lee and I began making a list of things we’d need to do if Frances blows our way. I’m not sure why we’re being so careful – we’ve had hurricanes threaten the coast before. Maybe we’re getting wiser, or more chicken. We haven’t bought plywood yet, but we’re thinking about doing it tomorrow. The good thing about that – even if we don’t need it for Frances, it’s always smart to have your plywood on hand if you live on the coast. I wish we would’ve done it years ago.
35 minutes until the next Hurricane Center update.